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■ Cerebrel Cortex
- "Oscillatory Synchrony in the Monkey Temporal Lobe Correlates with Performance in a Visual Short-term Memory Task."
- "Single Cell Integration of Animate Form, Motion and Location in the Superior Temporal Cortex of the Macaque Monkey." David I. Perrett
- "Color Discrimination Involves Ventral and Dorsal Stream Visual Areas." Guy A. Orban
- "Medial Prefrontal Activity Predicts Memory for Self."
- "Experience-dependent Changes in Basal Dendritic Branching of Layer 2/3 Pyramidal Neurons During a Critical Period for Developmental Plasticity in Rat Barrel Cortex." Karel Svoboda
- "Neural Correlates of Change Detection and Change Blindness in a Working Memory Task." Leslie G. Ungerleider
- "Enhanced Temporal Non-linearities in Human Object-related Occipito-temporal Cortex." Rafael Malach
- "Search for Color ‘Center(s)’ in Macaque Visual Cortex." Guy A. Orban
- "Task-independent and Task-specific Age Effects on Brain Activity during Working Memory, Visual Attention and Episodic Retrieval." Lars Nyberg
- "Perception-related Modulations of Local Field Potential Power and Coherence in Primary Visual Cortex of Awake Monkey during Binocular Rivalry." Reinhard Eckhorn
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- / 投稿日: 2004年07月13日
- / カテゴリー: [Paper archive]
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