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■ JNP 6月号

"Symbolic Cue-Driven Activity in Superior Colliculus Neurons in a Peripheral Visual Choice Task" Kyoung-Min Lee and Edward L. Keller
"Effects of Noise Correlations on Information Encoding and Decoding" Bruno B. Averbeck and Daeyeol Lee
"Selection and Maintenance of Saccade Goals in the Human Frontal Eye Fields" Clayton E. Curtis and Mark D'Esposito。Vincent P. FerreraによるEDITORIAL FOCUSあり。
"Differential Involvement of Neurons in the Dorsal and Ventral Premotor Cortex During Processing of Visual Signals for Action Planning" Eiji Hoshi and Jun Tanji。Nature 2000 "Integration of target and body-part information in the premotor cortex when planning action"はPMdの報告だったけど、同じタスクでPMvからの記録したものと比較してます。

