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■ JNP 11月号
- "Intracellular Measurements of Spatial Integration and the MAX Operation in Complex Cells of the Cat Primary Visual Cortex." Ilan Lampl1,, David Ferster, Tomaso Poggio and Maximilian Riesenhuber
- "Influence of Lateral Connections on the Structure of Cortical Maps."
- "Properties of Primary Motor Cortex Output to Forelimb Muscles in Rhesus Macaques." Paul D. Cheney
- "A Common Parieto-Frontal Network Is Recruited Under Both Low Visibility and High Perceptual Interference Conditions."
- "Temporal Dynamics of Shape Analysis in Macaque Visual Area V2." David C. Van Essen
- "Visual and Saccade-Related Activity in Macaque Posterior Cingulate Cortex." Michael L. Platt。Platt and GlimcherのPlattは現在Glimcherのところから独立してDuke University Medical Centerにいるようです。そこで以前LIPの記録に使ったタスクでcingulateから記録したNeuron '03 "Saccade Reward Signals in Posterior Cingulate Cortex."をすでに出しています。
- "Bayesian Integration in Force Estimation." Daniel M. Wolpert
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- / 投稿日: 2004年10月19日
- / カテゴリー: [Paper archive]
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