« Cerebral Cortex 五月号 | 最新のページに戻る | しゃっくり »
■ Nature Neuroscience 5月号
- "Extrastriate body area in human occipital cortex responds to the performance of motor actions." Maurizio Corbetta。
- "Visual and action cues contribute to the self?other distinction." 上記のNandV
- "Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex shows fMRI response to internal and external error signals." Jonathan D Cohen。
- "Left temporoparietal junction is necessary for representing someone else's belief."
- "Modulation of spike timing by sensory deprivation during induction of cortical map plasticity."
- "Modulation of activity in medial frontal and motor cortices during error observation."
Large-scale neuroscienceの特集ということでmultineuronal recordingやfMRIデータの共有などについての記事が集められている。
- "Scaling up neuroscience."
- "Large-scale recording of neuronal ensembles." Buzsaki
- "Using multi-neuron population recordings for neural prosthetics."
- "Multiple neural spike train data analysis: state-of-the-art and future challenges."
- "Neurobehavioral assessment in the information age."
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- / 投稿日: 2004年05月03日
- / カテゴリー: [Paper archive]
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