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■ JNS昨日の続き
Matlabコードは以下の通り。適当。Ver.6.5でモンテカルロの繰り返しは10万回でelapsed_time =128 sec。
n=100000; % no of iteration T=20; % no of total trials ch=2; % no of choices MAXIMUMRUN=zeros(n,1); for i=1:n, Q=[];for j=1:T,Q1=randperm(ch);Q(j)=Q1(1);end; % Q: question A=[];for j=1:T,A1=randperm(ch);A(j)=A1(1);end; % A: answer CRR=Q-A;CRRno=find(CRR==0); % correct answer when CRR==0 % calculation of maxmum run of CRR==0 maxrun=0;maxr=0; for k=1:length(CRRno) for m=1:length(CRRno)-k, if CRRno(k)+m==CRRno(k+m), maxr=m+1;end; end if maxrun < maxr,maxrun=maxr;end end MAXIMUMRUN(i)=maxrun; end [ [1:T]' hist(MAXIMUMRUN,1:T)'/n]