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■ 論文いろいろ

Current biology 7/26
"Blinking Suppresses the Neural Response to Unchanging Retinal Stimulation" Davina Bristow, John-Dylan Haynes, Richard Sylvester, Christopher D. Frith and Geraint Rees
"Vision: In the Blink of an Eye" David Burr
"Bodily Illusions Modulate Tactile Perception" Patrick Haggard
Neuron 8/4
"Dissociation between Ventral and Dorsal fMRI Activation during Object and Action Recognition" Ehud Zohary
"Action Insight: The Role of the Dorsal Stream in the Perception of Grasping" Melvyn A. Goodale
"Testing the Efficiency of Sensory Coding with Optimal Stimulus Ensembles"
JNP 8月号
"Delay-Period Activity in Visual, Visuomovement, and Movement Neurons in the Frontal Eye Field" Lawrence H. Snyder。去年のSFNに出てた。Recording siteをVan EssenのCARETを使ってunfoldして表示している分は新しく作ったらしい。
"Neuronal Activity Dependent on Anticipated and Elapsed Delay in Macaque Prefrontal Cortex, Frontal and Supplementary Eye Fields, and Premotor Cortex" Carl R. Olson
"Topographic Organization for Delayed Saccades in Human Posterior Parietal Cortex" David J. Heeger
"Topographic Maps of Visual Spatial Attention in Human Parietal Cortex" David J. Heeger
"Supplementary Motor Area Encodes Reward Expectancy in Eye-Movement Tasks" R. A. Andersen
"Differential Characteristics of Face Neuron Responses Within the Anterior Superior Temporal Sulcus of Macaques" Wania C. De Souza, Satoshi Eifuku, Ryoi Tamura, Hisao Nishijo and Taketoshi Ono

