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■ 論文いろいろ
PNAS 4/12
- "Optical imaging of visually evoked responses in the middle temporal area after deactivation of primary visual cortex in adult primates." Jon H. Kaas自身による寄稿。
- "Quantitative prediction of perceptual decisions during near-threshold fear detection."
JNP 4月号
- "Blue-Yellow Signals Are Enhanced by Spatiotemporal Luminance Contrast in Macaque V1." Gregory D. Horwitz and Thomas D. Albright。
- "Simulations of Saccade Curvature by Models That Place Superior Colliculus Upstream From the Local Feedback Loop." Mark M. G. Walton, David L. Sparks and Neeraj J. Gandhi
Science 4/15
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- / 投稿日: 2005年04月15日
- / カテゴリー: [Paper archive]
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