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■ Cerebral cortex 1月号
- James B. Rowe , Klaas E. Stephan , Karl Friston , Richard S.J. Frackowiak , and Richard E. Passingham "The Prefrontal Cortex shows Context-specific Changes in Effective Connectivity to Motor or Visual Cortex during the Selection of Action or Colour" Cereb. Cortex 15: 85-95 [EndNote format]
- Yusuke Komatsu , Akiya Watakabe , Tsutomu Hashikawa , Shiro Tochitani , and Tetsuo Yamamori "Retinol-binding Protein Gene is Highly Expressed in Higher-order Association Areas of the Primate Neocortex" Cereb. Cortex 15: 96-108 [EndNote format] 基生研の山森先生。occ1 geneと相補的なexpressionをするretinol-binding protein (RBP) gene。
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- / 投稿日: 2004年12月24日
- / カテゴリー: [Paper archive]
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