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■ PLoS Biology 9月号
"Amplification of Trial-to-Trial Response Variability by Neurons in Visual Cortex." Matteo Carandini @ Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute。
CarandiniはFersterのところで出したJNS '00 "Membrane Potential and Firing Rate in Cat Primary Visual Cortex."などで、cat V1のsimple cellやcomplex cellからintraで記録して視覚応答を記録することで、これらの細胞でどのようなsynaptic inputがあって、それがどのような出力(=spike)になるか、とくにspike数で定義されるreceptive fieldやorientation selectivityなどがどのようにしてできるかについて研究してきました。
- Nature Neuroscience '98 "Input synchrony and the irregular firing of cortical neurons." Charles F. Stevens and Anthony M. Zador
- JNS’98 "The Variable Discharge of Cortical Neurons: Implications for Connectivity, Computation, and Information Coding." Michael N. Shadlen and William T. Newsome
- Curr Opin Neurobiol. 1994 "Noise, neural codes and cortical organization." Shadlen MN, Newsome WT
- "Correlated neuronal discharge rate and its implications for psychophysical performance." Ehud Zohary, Michael N. Shadlen and William T. Newsome
- JNS '93 "The highly irregular firing of cortical cells is inconsistent with temporal integration of random EPSPs." WR Softky and C Koch