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■ JNP 9月号
- "Motion Perception Without Explicit Activity in Areas MT and MST."
- "Neurons in Monkey Prefrontal Cortex Whose Activity Tracks the Progress of a Three-Step Self-Ordered Task."
- "Comparing Perceptual Signals of Single V5/MT Neurons in Two Binocular Depth Tasks." Cumming and Parker
- "Primate Insular/Opercular Taste Cortex: Neuronal Representations of the Viscosity, Fat Texture, Grittiness, Temperature, and Taste of Foods."
- "Neuronal Activity Throughout the Primate Mediodorsal Nucleus of the Thalamus During Oculomotor Delayed-Responses. I. Cue-, Delay-, and Response-Period Activity."
- "Neuronal Activity Throughout the Primate Mediodorsal Nucleus of the Thalamus During Oculomotor Delayed-Responses. II. Activity Encoding Visual Versus Motor Signal." 船橋先生のところから二連報。視床のMD核といえば、Sommer and Wurtzで順モデルのシグナルの通るところとして扱われたところなので、そのへんの詳しい情報が出てくるのは価値があります。
- "fMRI-Adaptation Reveals Dissociable Neural Representations of Identity and Expression in Face Perception." Dolan
- "Shared and Private Variability in the Auditory Cortex." Anthony M. Zador。
- "Neural Correlates of the Automatic and Goal-Driven Biases in Orienting Spatial Attention." Doug Munoz。これに関してはなんか書く用意があります。これへのEditorial Focusが
- Strange Things, Moving Things, Wild Animals. Focus on "Neural Correlates of the Automatic and Goal-Driven Biases in Orienting Spatial Attention"にあります。
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- / 投稿日: 2004年09月07日
- / カテゴリー: [Paper archive]
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