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■ Nature Neuroscience 9月号
- "Optimality principles in sensorimotor control."
- "High-resolution neurometabolic coupling revealed by focal activation of visual neurons." Ralph D Freeman @ UC Berkeley。
- "Physics embedded in visual perception of three-dimensional shape from motion."
- "Synchrony and covariation of firing rates in the primary visual cortex during contour grouping." Pieter R Roelfsema and Victor A F Lamme。またMUAか。わたしは彼らがMUAを使って出しているデータは全て信用しないことにしています。V1のworking memoryしかり。
- "Spatial compartmentalization and functional impact of conductance in pyramidal neurons."
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- / 投稿日: 2004年09月06日
- / カテゴリー: [Paper archive]
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