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■ しゃっくり(hiccup)
- Clinical Neuropharmacology '01 "The Hiccup Reflex Arc and Persistent Hiccups with High-dose Anabolic Steroids: Is the Brainstem the Steroid-Responsive Locus?"
- Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery '00 "Persistent hiccup as presenting symptom in medulla oblongata cavernoma: a case report and review of the literature."
- BMJ '99 "Intractable hiccups."
- Am J Physiol '94 "Fetal hiccups in the baboon."
- Neuroscience Research '03 "Hiccup reflex is mediated by pharyngeal branch of glossopharyngeal nerve in cats."
- Neuroscience Research '99 "GABAergic inhibition of hiccup-like reflex induced by electrical stimulation in medulla of cats."