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■ あくびが伝染するチンパンジー

"チンパンジーもあくび“伝染”、人間以外で初めて確認"(Yomiuri Online)
件の論文は"Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences, Biology Letters"に掲載された"Contagious yawning in chimpanzees."で、目次はこちら。"Proceedings of the Royal Society: Series B: Biological Sciences"の姉妹誌のようなものらしい。
アイちゃんにあくびが伝染するところを記録したビデオファイル(mpeg)はこちらから落とせます(フリーです)。ほかのチンパンジーのあくびをモニターで見てアイちゃんがあくびしてます。これがたんなるまねっこではなくて、本当にあくびが伝染しているのか、つまり、あくびのまねっこと本当のあくびではあくびの深さが違うわけで、そのへんまで併せて確かな知見のか興味があります。そもそも、人間のあくびが伝染するって確立しているのでしょうか。というわけでPubMedでcontagious yawningで検索するとありました。
Cognitive Brain Research '03 "Contagious yawning: the role of self-awareness and mental state attribution"

  • R.R. Provine, Faces as releasers of contagious yawning: an approach to face detection using normal human subjects. Bull. Psychon. Soc. 27 (1989), pp. 211-214.
    Abstract: 360 psychology students were divided into 12 experimental groups and participated in a single experimental session. The yawn-evoking potency of variations in a 5-min series of 30 videotaped repetitions of a yawning face were compared with each other and with a series of 30 videotaped smiles to determine the ethological releasing stimulus for the fixed-action pattern of yawning and to understand the more general process of face detection. Animate video images of yawning faces in several axial orientations evoked yawns in more Subjects than did featureless or smiling faces, and no single feature, such as a gaping mouth, was necessary to evoke yawns. The yawn recognition mechanism is neither axially specific nor triggered by an isolated facial feature.
  • R.R. Provine, Contagious yawning and infant imitation. Bull. Psychon. Soc. 27 (1989), pp. 125-126.
    Abstract: Suggests that the neonate's presumed ability to imitate the facial expressions or gestures of adult models may be the result of ethological fixed-action patterns released by sign stimuli. Contagious yawning (CY) of adults is a precedent for such a facial fixed-action pattern (i.e., a yawn) triggered by a facial stimulus (i.e., an observed yawn). The study of CY can provide insights into both the problem of infant imitation and the more general issues concerning the detection and processing of information about faces. CY also provides a reliable classroom demonstration of released behavior.
  • R.R. Provine, B.C. Tate and L.L. Geldmahcer, Yawning: no effect of 3-5% CO2, 100% O2, an exercise. Behav. Neural Biol. 48 (1987), pp. 382-393.
  • G. Schino and F. Aureli, Do men yawn more than women?. Ethol. Sociobiol. 10 (1989), pp. 375-378.
なあんだ、けっこうあるではないですか。しかもこのR.R. Provineという人がその道の権威っぽい。というわけでこんどはこの名前でググってみると、この人がUniversity of Maryland Baltimore CountyのDepartment of Psychologyの教授であることがわかります。しかも、"contagious yawning"だけでなく、"contagious laghter"、つまり笑いが伝染することについて単行本を出しているようです。おもしろいなあ。
"Contagious yawning and infant imitation"なんてのが扱われているということは、上記の松沢先生の論文でも、imitationなのかcontagious yawningなのか、という問題については扱われていそうです。
んで、松沢先生の論文のfull-textは入手できないんだけれど、アブストみるかぎり、この話はself-awarenessと関係してくるわけですな。自己意識、ミラーテスト、共感。このへんに関しては上記のCognitive Brain Research '03のメインテーマでもあります。

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