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■ Goodale and Milner


また、"The visual brain in action"において著者は

"Visual phenomenology ... can arise only from processing in the ventral stream ..." "We have assumed ... that visual-processing modules in the dorsal stream ... are not normally available to awareness." ("The visual brain in action" p.200)


"Although D.F. in particular seems to have lost conscious perception of shape, it is perhaps debatable whether or not the dissociation between what she can and cannot do is best captured as 'conscious' versus 'unconscious'. ... In a strict philosophical sense, we are doubtless treading on thin ice in proposing that stimulus processing in the ventral stream is a necessary condition for visual awareness, though we are comfortable with defending the proposal that such processing is a necessary condition for visual perception and recognition. Likewise, we suspect that the visual processing that goes in the dorsal stream operates in the absence of awareness, all we can really defend is the contention that one is normally unable to report verbally on the contents of that processing and that it proceeds largely independently of processes of perception and recognition." ("The visual brain in action" p.200-201)



なお、Goodale and Milerの説に対する反論はいろいろあるようですが、とりあえず私が知っているのはJ. Kevin O’ReganとAlva NoëのBEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES '01 "A sensorimotor account of vision and visual consciousness."です。これのp.969において

The work of Milner and Goodale suggests that damage to the ventral stream disrupts non-visuo-motor aspects of seeing. This is an important finding. But it would be a mistake to infer from this that the ventral stream is therefore the place where visual awareness happens.


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# Correggio


# pooneil


# mds

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# pooneil


