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■ 論文いろいろ1/5
PLoS biology
- Dynamic Shape Synthesis in Posterior Inferotemporal Cortex
- Predictive Neural Coding of Reward Preference Involves Dissociable Responses in Human Ventral Midbrain and Ventral Striatum
- Imaging Response Inhibition in a Stop-Signal Task: Neural Correlates Independent of Signal Monitoring and Post-Response Processing
- A Resilient, Low-Frequency, Small-World Human Brain Functional Network with Highly Connected Association Cortical Hubs
- Mislocalization of Perceived Saccade Target Position Induced by Perisaccadic Visual Stimulation Markus LappeはNature '00 Postsaccadic visual references generate presaccadic compression of spaceの1st。
- / ツイートする
- / 投稿日: 2006年01月05日
- / カテゴリー: [Paper archive]
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