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■ Neural correlates of time perception
- NeuroImage '01 "Cortical Networks Recruited for Time Perception: A Monkey Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Study." 尾上先生@神経研
- Neuron '03 "Representation of Time by Neurons in the Posterior Parietal Cortex of the Macaque." Matthew I. Leon and Michael N. Shadlen。
- European Journal of Neuroscience '04 "Stimulus duration in working memory is represented by neuronal activity in the monkey prefrontal cortex." 櫻井芳雄先生@京大
- Annual Review of Neuroscience '04 "THE NEURAL BASIS OF TEMPORAL PROCESSING." Michael D. Mauk and Dean V. Buonomano
- Current Opinion in Neurobiology '04 "The neural representation of time." Richard B Ivry and Rebecca MC Spencer
- JNS '04 "Climbing Neuronal Activity as an Event-Based Cortical Representation of Time." Yakovlev